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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I know I've posted a painted Throwback pic of Super Chicken wayback when, but I needed to do this version to add to the massive Throwback Thursday pic I'm putting together. Still one of my favorite Jay Ward creations (corny jokes and all) All of the character designs and villain concepts were so fun and pleasing to the eye. I use to run around as a kid clucking to the Super Chicken call. Funny thing is, when I see cartoons like this, I can taste fruit loops (weird I know)

OH! Btw, I almost forgot to mention, from here on out each original Throwback illustration will be up for Sale each time I post on Thursday. For the low low price of $25 for an original, one of a kind Black & White inked illustration on animation paper signed by yours truly. Once it's sold, that's it. Just "CLICK THE BUY NOW BUTTON BELOW THE ILLUSTRATION" and you'll be able to have your very own Throwback to cherish those childhood memories.
(Super Sauce Not Included)

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Throwback Thursday 3-11

Today's Throwback goes H.A.M. I'm on this WB kick for this month, so I might as well roll with it. When I was animating commercials for Cartoon Network, I was the go to guy to animate Porky Pig. He is hands down the hardest character to animate. Stuttering made for a lot of accent and anticipation poses along with keeping track of lipsync. Below is one of my favorite Porky episodes.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Well folks, it looks like we're back again with another Throwback. Does anyone remember "Ariba! Ariba! Ondelay! Ondelay! Arrrrriiiiibbaaahhh!!!! and Senior Pussycat? One of the best match ups of all time. Speedy would always save the day by nabbing the cheese from the evil Sylvester and feeding all the hungry mice of Mexico. The mice expressions in the clip below are priceless. Enjoy your Thursday and be sure to leave comments below.

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BTW, if you would like to participate in each weeks' Throwback Thursdays feel free to submit your illustration each week to the NEW THROWBACK THURSDAYS GROUP on deviantart I'll announce the newest subject on Fridays.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Throwback Thursdays returns (for now)

My earliest childhood memories goes back to watching Woody Woodpecker cartoons in a highchair at my grandparents house. My Dad says I was waaaayyy too young to remember that, but who could forget that laugh. I guess you could say that Walter Lantz toons were my very first cartoon experience.

Here's a sneak peak on what I plan on doing with all of these illustrations in the end.

Monday, January 31, 2011

THROWBACK (Uh...Not Thursday)

I came across this old, unfinished throwback. Thought I'd finish it up and post it for ol' times sake. Hope ya likes.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Yin the Master of Yo! BOOKS ARE HERE!!!!!!

THE WAIT IS OVER!!! The books have finally arrived. I am so so grateful for those who have supported me thus far. Without you all this would not be possible. These books look fantastic. Brandstudio Press did an amazing job on the printing. The production of this book was a dream come true for me. With the aid of my super talented friends who helped me out along the way, this book is a true testament to my creative vision and showcases what I'm truly capable of. I'm living proof that anything is possible. This first run of the book is limited to 1000 copies and is sure to become a collectors item. It's packed with 40 full color pages of wonderful artwork by yours truly. The eyepopping text & design by DanisGood is sure to attract. And it also has a special forward by the U.S. Yo-Yo Master Steve Brown The story is fun and enjoyable for all ages. So what are you waiting for? Start your Christmas shopping by giving the gift of reading! All you have to do is click the add to cart button there on the top right and order as many copies as you want!

Click the play button below to see more art on the inside.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday Bumper Godzilla #2

Here's another animated bumper for this Wed. I had another Godzilla bumper layin' around, so I figured I'd share it as well. Enjoy (even though it goes by pretty quick) 5 seconds of fun.

On Wednesdays I've been posting some of my old commercial animation over on my youtube page. This week's post is CN Godzilla bumper. post comments and feel free to subscribe to the page for video updates.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Countdown to Halloween / 10

Before you go out to Trick or Treat
Beware the leaves beneath your feet
For they have watched you all year 'round
the ones who make the rustling sound.
Fall has brought them death and now
thousands fall onto the ground
You may blow and you may rake
But they'll return to seal your fate
So hold a hand and peal your eyes
cause on that night the leaves will RISE
If the lawn you cross, you hear a crunch
it just may be that you're their lunch
Don't slip and fall, they'll wrap you tight
So watch your step this Hallow's night.

©Saxton Moore

Countdown to Halloween / 10, originally uploaded by saxtonmoore.

#10, The Candy Corn Kidz cometh.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

An animated blast from the past. Throwback Thursdays

Sorry for the lack of posts. In the spirit of Throwback Thursdays, here's an old commercial I directed for Cartoon Network. In this spot, Spike the dog and wolf are paramedics for cartoon stars. I really had fun animating that truck.

Friday, August 20, 2010

WE DID IT!!!!!

we finally reached our goal, and then some. I am so so grateful for those who helped contribute. We couldn't have done it without you. I want to thank all of my dear friends, family and those of you who believed in this project as much as we did. It's such a blessing to have people like you in our corner. I am so elated right now. I can't believe we did it! Just to let you know, any additional funds we raise will be used to take our book to conferences and conventions. I will be putting in our print order for the book next week and I will keep posting updates on the process. We really appreciate all of you so much for your help in making this dream come true.



Wednesday, August 11, 2010

SACKS10 workspace 2010

SACKS10 workspace 2010, originally uploaded by saxtonmoore.

Click over to the Pixel Pirate Studio Blog to get a peak at my workspace.
Don't forget to click the follow button to keep up with my current works.