Thursday, May 14, 2009


Did some sketching at the Waffle House this morning. For some reason I'm drawn to the design of the place and the colorful characters who frequent and work there. The lady was painted on a small canvas earlier with acrylic and the booth was done in photoshop. The signage was taken as I left the place this morning. Waffles are GREAT!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sample page to my kids book

I just finished this 2 page spread to my kids book this morning and thought I'd share it here. It takes a lot of dedication to do your own thing. I catch myself wanting to go back over and redo certain things, but I force myself to press on and knock out these pages. It's all about getting the story out, right? (At least that's what I keep telling myself) Well, back to work on the next page. I'm hoping to have all of my illustrations for this thing done by the end of the month.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Throwback Thursdays rises from the dead. My inspiration below...

I spent yesterday working on reviving throwback Thursdays with this piece. I almost forgot how much fun it was to draw in this loose silly carefree style. When I was a kid I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons and being equally entertained by the animated cereal commercials during the breaks. These characters stood out the most to me. Frankenberry cereal and watching funny cartoons go hand in hand. If you like monster cereal be sure to swing by the MONSTER CEREAL BLOG There's a lot of interesting memorabilia there. I'm gonna try kicking this thing back up again with hopes of launching a throwback thursdays book eventually. Keep checking back weekly and if you have any Throwback suggestions, leave them in the comments section below.

Monday, May 04, 2009

CAVS sketches

I did these sketches of the Cavaliers a few weeks back in my sketchbook as I watched them in the playoffs. Next stop Atlanta vs. Cavs. My 2 favorite NBA teams face off tomorrow night. Keep your head up HAWKS. I may do some more basketball sketches while I watch the game.

Friday, May 01, 2009


I did this piece of Wes Montgomery "The INCREDIBLE Jazz guitarist" as I took a quick break from my children's book I'm working on. I've been listening to his "A day in the life" album for inspiration. Check him out.