Wednesday, May 30, 2007


FLORA2, originally uploaded by saxtonmoore.

This is art I did a long time ago to promote my blog from my regular sites home page. Yo Yo fun!
If you haven't noticed the changing banner to the right, click on it to purchase one of my t-shirt designs on

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I illustrated this image below of a new property at work called "PRETTY FREEKIN SCARY" It's about a dead boy named Franklin who comes back to reclaim his life as a normal kid. I didn't come up with the original designs, but my friend Carlos and I have been doing a lot of the illustration work for products and young readers books. I'll post more illustrations as they begin to go public.

Here are some photos illustrator Carlos Villagra and I took of some "Pretty Freekin Scary" merchandise we stumbled upon. I think some of this stuff is going to be availabe around October. Just in time for Halloween. Most of the merchandise here is more girl oriented and accented in pinks. There are some cool things though, like Skull change keepers and wallets. It's neat to see some of Carlos's and I work on the shelves.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Captain Kangaroo was one of my favorite live action saturday morning shows. Though it's not my usual cartoon related post for Thursday, It quite definetly is a throwback to my saturday morning childhood memories. Before any of the cartoon blocks or lineups came on, this show set the pace for that morning. It's animated intro style was like a mix of Peter Max and school house rock. The captain himself wore this pimpish bright red blazer with white trim on it and he had the sickest sideburns I had ever seen. lol. I recently learned that he and Mister Rogers were buddies and both war heroes. A lot of really cool segments appeared on the show like Bill cosby's Picture pages, Mr Slim Goodbody and Simon in the land of chalk. I wish there were more shows like this airing today for the younger generation to enjoy.

I've got to track down this book.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Check out this new online Mag about Animators, written by Animators. The magazine is put together by Steve Moore (no realation) and has a cool piece about Blue Sky designer Mike Knapp.
What really struck home was in the first introduction of the magazine by Steve Moore. It was the answer to the question, " Who are animation people?" Steve describes them best....
They are kids in grown up bodies. They are actors with pencils. They are geeks. They are average, middle-class family people. They are craftsmen. They are storytellers. They are young brats and bitter old men. They are naïve, sensitive, callous and egotistic. They are loyal and easy to manipulate. They are a colorful mish-mash of personalities with a creative energy capable of moving an audience to tears (and sometimes boring them to tears). They have a common desire to make their mark, to make films and tv shows that will be loved for genreations to come.
(it's so true)
Click on the title and give it a look see.
Thanks is due to the Cartoon Brew for posting about this magazine.

Below are a couple of supergirl concepts I dug up in my files. Thought I'd share the roughs. Hopefully I'll get around to flushing them out.